Preserved plants, flowers and trees are 100% natural. Plant preservation is a totally ecological process that replaces the natural sap of the flower by a preservative. Thanks to that natural preserving technique, preserved plants and flowers retain their flexibility and their natural freshness without any maintenance. They require no watering, no special treatment or luminosity. These plants and flowers are ideal for weddings, unique gifts, home decoration, fashion accessories and innovative products.
- Preserved plants are 100% natural. This is why it is necessary to follow certain rules in order to ensure their beauty and optimal lifespan:

Indoor use only
Fragile - Avoid touching the plants: they will not grow back
No watering
Avoid long exposure to sunlight behind glass or direct light
Do not put it too close to a heat source (radiator, halogen, fireplace...)
Recommended humidity: below 70%
The lifespan of preserved plants and flowers can vary. Indeed, several factors strongly influence the evolution of plants over time: exposure to sunlight, humidity and handling to name a few. We prefer to talk about "quality of life" because each plant behaves differently over time. Some plants slightly lose their colour, whilst others darken. Some curl, others may bend. They are hard to predict. In any case, we cannot give an exact lifespan: the plant does not radically change overnight! However, it is possible to state that, under optimal use conditions, our preserved plants and flowers remain beautiful for several years.

For the best results, plants are preserved at the time of their life cycle when they display their most beautiful appearance. They are harvested in optimal conditions with the respect of environment their natural renewal process. They are then sorted before entering the preservation room, positioned in racks - with their base immersed. During this step, the sap of the plant evaporates to give way, after a few days, to the new liquid - a mixture of vegetable glycerin, water, substrate and food colourant. Before a final quality control, plants are rinsed then dried. They are then ready for use... This overall process can last between 7 and 20 days depending on the size of the plant. Each plant has its own preservation specificities: time, temperature of the preservative, ambient temperature, water quality, raw material and type of substrate. It is not possible to preserve a plant outside its window of opportunity. This makes stock management quite complex, but still less complicated than it is with fresh plants.